With manufacturing a top tier bike it makes it very easy to stand behind our product

A Company with a Commitment

At Concept E-Bikes, we have a long history of riding bikes. Our passion for two wheels is what drove us to build our electric bikes. We did not want to just be another low performing, poorly designed electric bike so we put serious time and effort into designing electric bikes that went above the industry standards. We make bikes for every discipline and skill level. Whether you have not been on a bike for years or ride multiple times a week we have you covered. 



If you are unsure of what bike fits your needs the best our dedicated team can help pick out your perfect bike. One of the biggest advantages of owning a Concept E-Bike is our top-notch customer service. With manufacturing a top tier bike it makes it very easy to stand behind our product. But even with top tier products eventually, you have an occasional flaw. We see every warranty issue as an opportunity to show you how much we care. We are driven to be the best electric bike manufacture and that starts by giving the best customer service.



At Concept E-Bikes, we strive to be the best bike for the buck. Dozens of manufacturers sell electric bikes cheaper than us. They achieve this by cutting corners and using inferior parts.


On the other end of the spectrum, a handful of manufacturers charge more for their bikes when our bikes come equipped with similar parts.  We offer top tier performance parts without the high-end price tag.


When comparing our bikes side by side to our competitors one of the first things that stand out is performance. Most high dollar electric bikes come with 250w-350w motors. Our motors range from 500w-1000w.


We know it can be hard to pick out your perfect electric bike and we want to help you. Please contact us so we can explain the differences between our bikes and our competitors. We can give you information on the most important aspects of electric bikes which will help you pinpoint your perfect E-Bike!


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